Need some inspiration for exploring the great outdoors? Our new Show-Me Backpacks are filled with activities and supplies that encourage nature exploration and discovery! They include all you need to explore! Inspired by years of providing experimental learning programs for visitors, our Interpretation staff developed the Show-Me Backpacks to help you kids engage with nature and enrich your outdoor adventures. Packs are designed for one child. Recommended ages 6 to 10 years old.
There are 3 options:
Show-Me Botany:
Do you like plants? So do we! At the Garden, we have an entire team of scientists that study plants. Botany is the study of plants or plant science. The scientists who specialize in the study of plants are known as botanists. In this exiting pack, we’ll explore soil conditions, how plants grow, famous plant explorers, and dig into the field work done by Garden researchers.
String backpack includes: DIY nature journal kit, DIY Plant Presses activity, DIY peat pots kit to test for the effect of soil conditions on plant growth, a scavenger hunt to do while at the Garden, George Washington Carver More Than Peanuts activity booklet, hand-held magnifier, set of colored pencils with sharpener, Green Canteen reusable water bottle, and Resources for Exploring Your World full of additional at-home activities.
Show-Me Seeds:
Seeds are a small part of a flowering plant that grow into a new plant. Did you know seeds travel? Without dispersal, a seed would in most cases fall to the ground underneath its parent plant and they would begin to compete for limited resources. What is seed propagation and how can you test the viability of seeds? We find seeds fascinating and through this pack, we hope you will too! So, let’s dig in and explore!
String backpack includes: Seed Dispersal, Seed Saving, and Origami Seed Packet activity kits with educational journals, along with a magnifier, bug jar, fine sieve, seed packets, ruler or tape measure, set of colored pencils with sharpener, Green Canteen reusable water bottle, and Resources for Exploring Your World full of additional at-home activities.
Show-Me Critters:
Creatures like insects, arachnids, isopods, and annelids—while often small—have a large impact on the health and life cycles of plants. These critters influence the nutrients available in soils so plants can grow, pollinate flowers so a new generation will continue, eat the plants, or protect the plants by eating pests that would harm the plants. These creatures are all around us, they just may be hard to see, so let’s get searching!
String backpack includes: Crawly Critters in the Garden Journal, Spectacular Spider Investigation and Web Making activity, Good and Bad Bug Origami, My Guide to the Garden booklet, set of colored pencils with sharpener, bug jar, Green Canteen reusable water bottle, and Resources for Exploring Your World full of additional at-home activities.
PRICE: $15 for members/$18 for non-members
Purchase online today! To explore more, add Garden admission tickets to your purchase and enjoy a visit when you pick up your Show-Me backpacks.