The Missouri Botanical Garden offers outreach programming to take the Garden out into the community. While visiting at your site, students will have an opportunity to immerse themselves in botanical and ecological experiences through the nature in your neighborhood. Our educational programs provide your students with an opportunity to explore plants, local biodiversity, global ecology, and sustainability within the familiar surroundings of your classroom and school
Missouri Botanical Garden outreach programs are available year-round for educators. Each of our program sessions lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour and facilitates up to 25 students. Educators may request multiple sessions of the same program during a single visit, up to three sessions in one day.
Outreach program fees run $150 for the first session and $50 for additional sessions of the same program held on the same day at the same site.
All registrations are accepted on a first come, first-served basis. Outreach sessions must be booked four weeks in advance of your intended program date. Please email schoolprograms@mobot.org for more information or to request a program.