Teachers and their students are welcome to come explore the Missouri Botanical Garden on their own! Self-guided school groups can reach curricular goals, deepen understanding of classroom lessons, and support unique student needs and interests with a visit to our gardens. We offer a variety of tools to help you design a class visit that makes the Garden your classroom and create connections between your curriculum and the plants on display. Supplemental self-guiding activities and talking points are available for download below:
Self-guided visits to the Missouri Botanical Garden are available year-round for educators, and groups are welcome to book a trip on Tuesdays–Fridays throughout the year. For questions about programming or an existing program scheduled, email schoolprograms@mobot.org or call (314) 577-5185.
Self-guided groups MUST pre-register, and MUST select 3 viable dates, as your first choice may not be available.
REGISTER for a Self-guided Visit.
Fees for Self-guided Visits:
Schools within St. Louis City and County (ZMD):
Students in grades PK–12: free
Adult chaperones (1 for every 5 students): free
Additional chaperones: regular admission
Schools outside of St. Louis City and County:
Students in grades PK–8: free
Students in grades 9–12: $10 per student
Adult chaperones (1 for every 5 students): free
Additional chaperones: if paid in advance, additional chaperones are admitted at a reduced rate of $6 per additional chaperone. General admission rates apply if paying at the time of admission.
Please be aware that all school groups must bring at least one adult for every five students in attendance, and that students aged 16 and under should be chaperoned by an adult at all times. Teachers must pay for all 'extra' chaperones prior to their visit, or have an invoice for chaperone admission sent to the school after the visit.
Tickets to enter the Children’s Garden must be purchased prior to arrival for the discounted rate. Groups entering the Children’s Garden must have a group ratio of 1 adult for every 5 students.
Unfortunately, groups are not permitted to have lunch on-site as the Missouri Botanical Garden does not have indoor lunchroom facilities. Bag lunches can be stored on your bus or vehicle while you are in the Garden, but please plan to eat offsite. We encourage groups to picnic in neighboring Tower Grove Park before or after your visit. To book your reservation at a Tower Grove Park pavilion and/or picnic site, contact info@towergrovepark.org or (314) 771-2679.
Download a Garden map for school groups
Go to our "Planning Your Visit" page
REGISTER for a Self-guided Visit